Creations in Virtual Reality

Share your incredible creation!

Alright truly last one, i just enjoyed making it too much. Added some voice effects, breathing and impacts. Generally improving upon my last work, i like it so far. But i have other things to do tomorrow.

DELTA 02 (PILOT) - First Look


Left 4 Dead 2 VR with Bodycam Mods again, Dead Center this time. Well, i guess i fell in love with this damn thing now.


Left 4 Dead 2 + VR + BodyCam Effects. Tried my best to make it look like some footage on a soldier survivor. Spent a lot to record a big video and this is just a small piece. What do you think?

I made a controller from oculus


^CodeNameDELTA - Teaser 1

music at end by against gravity aka rec room

RU: Большое граффити с крутыми чуваками)

(они все в артикле)

EN: Big graffiti with cool guys)

(they are all in the article)

(I say "Hi, bandits!")

RU: Просто еще одно граффити
EN: Just another graffiti

RU: Хех, теперь и я граффитчик)

EN: Heh, now I’m a graffiti artist too)